2025 Top 100 Lawyers in Arizona Plaque - Black or Navy Blue wood with silver trim with or without photo - Style D
If you chose image on plaque, it will be the photo that appears in the magazine. If your photo did not appear in the magazine but you would like one on your plaque, please email Sara@azbigmedia.com a high resolution photo. We will send you a proof plaque prior to completion.
Size is: 11 X 15.75
The plaque here is an example - the photo and information will be specific to you.
Don't forget to order your Digital Emblem with your plaque! Digital Emblems are normally $75, but when ordered with a plaque the cost is only $50. Digital Emblems are a great addition for your website, Facebook page, or email signature line.
We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with our plaque and emblem designs. To provide the best service, we offer one free revision during the design process. We believe this allows ample opportunity for adjustments to meet your expectations.
Additional revisions beyond the first complimentary round will be subject to a nominal fee. This policy enables us to maintain the high quality and attention to detail our clients expect. We appreciate your understanding!
Titles are not capitalized because we follow AP Style for journalism writing. (Formal titles are only capitalized when they appear immediately before a name)